Delicious, Nutritious, Highest Quality Vegetables
Every week from the second week of May to October, sign up to receive a farm share of the best -vegetables we can offer. Each share contains 7-8 different kinds of the most flavorful vegetables. We will always include veggies you can make a meal around and that you’re familiar with.
How Much Does It Cost?
20 Weeks at $25 a share. Delivered to your house or pick up at one of our pick up locations. You get a monthly news letter with recipes and meal plans. Plus preservation tips and access to our online market.
What do I get?
You get access to over 30 different fruits and vegetables from tomatoes, lettuce, watermelons and everything in between. Take a look at our list to see everything we have to offer. What we have to offer for the week is what is just coming to maturity at the time we pack your share. For example you can expect lettuce in spring and green beans in summer. All produce is subject to seasonality.
What if I don’t like something
With all the variety included in your share, there’s bound to be something you don’t like. If you really don’t like something in a share we recommend you share it with a neighbor or someone in need. We strive to only include the most popular vegetables in your shares but occasionally you might get something you’re unfamiliar with such as Bok Choy or you just don’t like cilantro.